Brainwise is currently the only service in New Zealand  with an internationally board certified analyst.

This well established, non-invasive neuro-imaging technique records and maps the electricity coming from your brain through to your scalp. Your brain’s electrical activity is closely analysed and statistically compared to a large international database of recordings.

Brainwise uses Mitsar EEG recording technology and Win EEG software. Our internationally certified QEEG analyst, Monique Chasteau, is lucky to have been mentored for many years by world expert Jay Gunkleman.

The QEEG analysis incorporates a clinical history gained from an in-depth conversation with Monique before the recording is done.

Through QEEG it is possible to see areas of excess or low brain activity that can be associated with  a variety of problems as well as how the different parts of your brain are communicating with each other.

The areas below can be addressed by the QEEG:

Medications, Alcohol and Recreational Drugs: The QEEG can show the effects of substances already being used. It can also provide valuable information about what medications are appropriate for brain and mind problems, for example stimulants (Ritalin etc), anti-depressants (Citalopram, Sertraline etc),  anti-convulsants ( Epilim, Lamotragine etc).

Mood problems, Learning problems, Sensory Sensitivities,  Attention Problems, Autistic Spectrum Issues, Psychological Trauma. A QEEG can help generate greater clarity about the above and below diagnostic categories and what approaches might help reduce difficulties and reveal strengths.

Immune  problems, Post Concussion Syndrome, Cardiovascular Issues, Metabolic Issues. The QEEG can show markers of vulnerability in other aspects of body function, that may need further investigation.

Many symptoms can be common to multiple diagnostic categories. An example might be that difficulty concentrating can be a result of any of the following or a combination of fatigue, pain, attention deficit disorder, brain injury, family stress,  work stress, depression and anxiety. Finding a pathway to greater wellbeing may require a careful consideration of the whole picture.  This is incorporated into the QEEG report and discussed with you in a follow up session.

Neuromodulation: We can develop a  programme to train your brain to function better. This may include neurofeedback, biofeedback,  audiovisual entrainment, transcranial direct or alternating current stimulation, stress management techniques, educational interventions or referrals to other health professionals.

Please go to the services section for information about schedule and cost.


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After the EEG is recorded, the brain’s activity is represented on maps such as the one above. These show strength and weakness of brain activity, as well as how well different parts of the brain are working together.

A cap with electrodes is used to pick up the electrical activity from the cortex, through the scull and scalp.